Forest walk with friends
Last weekend we went for a walk with Johanna, a work mate of mine, Pauli and Pancho. This second meeting went much better than the last one we had during the summer, when Pancho was still very small and very scared of Senna. After Senna had calmed down somewhat we introduced the dogs to each other again and Senna invited Pancho to play immediately. Pancho is a bit wary of new dogs, true to his breed, Mexican hairless dog. Bur after a while he picked up and they were playing nicely in a deserted parking lot. Only thing was, I guess due to being hairless, Pancho is not keen on running around in the deep snow but sticks to the path. After a while Senna figured that if she wanted to get away from it all for a while all she had to do was to leave the path and run around in the forest:) We had a nice walk together and the dogs were ready for bed afterwards:)
It was very nice to see that Pancho was no longer scared of her and that they could play nicely together. Pancho is now 5 months and has grown a lot since the summer. They are on more of an even ground now.
We bought Senna a massive real bone and she was quite impressed I think:) She's been occupied with it ever since and is making real progress:)
Today we are heading out in the fog for a walk. Unfortunately the snow is almost gone, since it's been really mild lately. Hopefully winter will return soon. It was so nice to see Senna enjoy the snow.